-----start Python Code----- from gpiozero import LED from time import sleep led = LED(25) while True: led.on() sleep(1) led.off() sleep(1) -----endof Python Code----- Notes: sudo apt-get install python3-gpiozero Since the file is executable and is just for your use, create a "bin" subdirectory in your home "~/bin" that will be added to your path so the file will be recognised by it's short name. The owner of the files should be you. References: https://shahbaz.co/2018/04/07/blinking-led-using-raspberry-pi/ https://docs.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/working-with-files-and-folders#the_file_menu https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=114497